Now I See – John Chapter 9
Guest Speaker: Charles Huyck
A Short Window of Opportunity
Thinking About “Church”
We work together in the Church so Christ can build it, through us.
Lazarus and the Rich Man
Ed Romine from the First Baptist Church in Provo was our guest speaker today.
Truthfully – Do You Believe It?
The law justifies him who fulfills all its commands, whereas faith justifies those who are destitute of the merit of works and rely on Christ alone.
Faith and Ministry in the Time of the Pandemic
Are we in a self-imposed prison because we’re failing to trust God?
You Are Needed! Shared Ministry.
“Jesus Christ is head of the church, and we are His body which functions for His glory in His purposes. And He fits the body together as He so determines.”
Coming to Church
Guest Speaker – Rob Lee is the Executive Director of the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention in Salt Lake City.
October 4 2020
Guest Speaker: Bobby Wood, North American Mission Board Unfortunately, there is no audio recording for today’s sermon.
What Does Jesus Want for His Church?
Guest Speaker: Michael Cooper, the Utah Church Planting Catalyst for the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board.